Our Locations & Referrals
We offer a full range of consultative services for kidney related disorders. Please contact us for more information on how to schedule an appointment or refer a patient.
(310) 206-7662 Westwood, 200 UCLA Medical Plaza
(310) 206-8277 Westwood, 100 UCLA Medical Plaza
(310) 481-4228 Santa Monica
(310) 937-8555 Redondo Beach
(310) 257-0028Torrance
(661) 753-5464 Santa Clarita
Current patients may also request an appointment online by logging into your myUCLAhealth account.
New Patients can call the office or fill out our request an appointment online form.

200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 365C
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 206-7662 Phone
(310) 794-6533 Fax
100 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 690
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 206-8277
Santa Monica

1223 16th St, Suite 3400
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 481-4228 Phone
(424) 259-7790 Fax

3500 Lomita Blvd, Suite 300
Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 257-0028 Phone
(310) 257-0037 Fax
Santa Clarita

25775 McBean Parkway, Suite 215
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 753-5464 Phone
(661) 753-5465 Fax