Brenda Bursch, PhD
- Psychology
Department/Division Affiliations:
Professor, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Pediatrics
Director, Pediatric Psychology Consultation & Liaison Service
Director, Pediatric Psychology in Outpatient Subspecialty Pediatrics Program
Member, Semel Institute (NPI)
Dr. Bursch received her PhD from Claremont Graduate School in 1990. She is a Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences and Pediatrics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, where she has been on faculty since 1994. She is the Director of the Pediatric Psychology Consultation Liaison service, overseeing consultations for pediatric medical inpatients. Dr. Bursch is a social and medical psychologist with clinical and research interests in pediatric pain, somatization, high health care utilizers, palliative care, and illness falsification. She also has interest and expertise in systems issues (organizational dynamics; patient-family-staff communication; mental wellness and resilience for health care workers; biopsychosocial model). Dr. Bursch has co-authored national guidelines on both Munchausen by Proxy and Pediatric Chronic Pain. She served as an advisor for the DMS-5 section on somatic symptom disorders. She is the co-author of a book entitled "How Many More Questions?" Techniques for Clinical Interviews of Young Medically Ill Children. And, she serves as a consultant for the Los Angeles County Juvenile Mental Health Court, Los Angeles Lakers, South Bay Lakers, California Conservation Corp, and Lionsgate.
- 2015 Invited Keynote Speaker for 2015 Child Psychiatry Fellowship Graduation, Division of Child Psychiatry, UCLA Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences.
- 2011 Awarded UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching.
- 2005 Awarded UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award for Outstanding Housestaff Teaching.
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Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Hospital Affiliations
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
Medical Services
- Lewis, C.E., Bursch, B., Klau, M., Konitsney, D., & Conrow, S. (1993). Continuing medical education for AIDS: An organizational response. AIDS Education and Prevention, 5, (3), 263-271.
- Bursch, B., Beezy, J. & Shaw, R. (1993). Emergency department satisfaction: What matters most? Annals of Emergency Medicine, 22, 586-591.
- Krubel, R., Freedman, D., & Bursch, B. (1996). Effects of transvaginal sonography on pregnant patients' perceptions of care in the emergency department. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14 (2), 232-233.
- Bursch, B., Weinberg, H D., & Shilkoff, S. (1996). Nurses' knowledge of and experience with Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Comprehensive issues in pediatric nursing, 19 (2), 93-102.
- Zeltzer, L.K., Bursch, B., & Walco, G. (1997). Pain responsiveness and chronic pain: A psychobiological perspective. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 18, 402-412.
- Bursch, B., Walco, G., & Zeltzer, L.K. (1998). Clinical assessment and management of chronic pain and pain-associated disability syndrome (PADS). Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 19 (1), 44-52.
- Bursch, B., Schwankovsky, L., Gilbert, J., & Zeiger, R. (1999). Construction and validation of four childhood asthma self-management scales: Parent barriers, child and parent self-efficacy, and parent belief in treatment efficacy. Journal of Asthma, 36 (1), 115-129.
- Zeltzer, L.K. & Bursch, B. (2001). Psychological management strategies for functional disorders, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 32, S40-S41.
- Tsao, J.C. I, Glover, D.A., Bursch, B., Ifekwunigwe, M. & Zeltzer, L.K. (2002). Laboratory pain reactivity and gender: Relationship to school nurse visits and school absences. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 23 (4), 217-224.
- Ayoub, C.C., Alexander, R., Beck, D., Bursch, B., Feldman, K., Libow, J., Sanders, M., Schreier, H., & Yorker, B. (2002). Position paper: Definitional issues in Munchausen by Proxy. Child Maltreatment, 7, (2), 105-111.
- Hyman, P. E., Bursch, B., Beck, D., DiLorenzo, C., & Zeltzer, L. K. (2002). Discriminating pediatric condition falsification from chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in toddlers. Child Maltreatment, 7, (2), 132-137
- Sanders, M.J. & Bursch, B. (2002). Forensic assessment of illness falsification, Munchausen by proxy, and Factitious Disorder, NOS. Child Maltreatment, 7, (2), 112-124
- Bursch, B. & Zeltzer, L.K. (2002). Chronic pain and pervasive developmental disorders. The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 6, 41-48
- Hyman, P.E., Bursch, B., Lopez, E., Schwankovsky, L., Cocjin, J., & Zeltzer, L.K. (2002). Visceral pain-associated disability syndrome: A descriptive analysis. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 35(5), 663-8
- Lester, P., Stein, J.A., & Bursch, B. Developmental predictors of somatic symptoms in adolescents of parents with HIV: A 12-month follow-up (2003). Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 24(4):242-250. [Winner of "Young Investigator Paper Award"]
- Bursch, B, Ingman, K, Vitti, L, Hyman, P. E., & Zeltzer, L.K. (2004) Chronic pain in individuals with previously undiagnosed autistic spectrum disorders. The Journal of Pain, 5 (5): 290-295.
- Tsao, J.C. I, Myers, C.D., Craske, M.G., Bursch, B., Kim, S.K., & Zeltzer, L.K. (2004) Role of anticipatory anxiety and anxiety sensitivity in children's and adolescents' laboratory pain responses. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 29, 379-388.
- Tsao, J.C. I, Myers, C.D., Craske, M.G., Bursch, B., Kim, S.K., & Zeltzer, L.K. (2005) Parent and child anxiety sensitivity: Relationship in a non-clinical sample. Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27 (4), 259–268.
- Tsao, J.C. I, Meldrum M., Bursch, B., Jacob, M.C., Kim, S.C., Zeltzer, L.K. (2005). Treatment expectations for CAM interventions in pediatric chronic pain patients and their parents. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2(4):521-7.
- Zeltzer, L.K., Tsao, J.C. I, Bursch, B., & Myers, C.D. (2006). Introduction to the special issue on pain: From pain to pain-associated disability syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 31(7):661-666.
- Shaw, RJ, Wamboldt M, Bursch B, & Stuber M (2006). Practice patterns in pediatric consultation-liaison psychiatry: A national survey. Psychosomatics, 47(1):43-9.
- Bursch, B. & Hyman, P. (May/June 2006). Parent perceptions of the psychological functioning of their children diagnosed with pediatric motility disorders and that of family members. Gastroenterology Nursing, 29(3):209-16.
- Bursch, B., Tsao, J.C. I, Meldrum, M., Zeltzer, L.K. (2006). Preliminary validation of a self-efficacy scale for child functioning despite chronic pain (child and parent versions). PAIN, 125(1-2):35-42.
- LaFrance WC Jr, Alper K, Babcock D, Barry JJ, Benbadis S, Caplan R, Gates J, Jacobs M, Kanner A, Martin R, Rundhaugen L, Stewart R, Vert C; NES Treatment Workshop participants. (2006). Nonepileptic seizures treatment workshop summary. Epilepsy Behav, 8(3):451-61.
- Plioplys, S., Asato, M., Bursch, B., Salpekar J., Shaw, R & Caplan, R. (2007). Multidisciplinary management of pediatric nonepileptic seizures. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(11):1491-1495.
- Bursch, B., Lester, P., Jiang, L., Rotheram, M. J. & Weiss, R. (2008). Psychosocial predictors of somatic symptoms in adolescents of parents with HIV: A six-year longitudinal study. AIDS Care, 20(6): 667-676.
- Bursch B (2008). Psychological/cognitive behavioral treatments for childhood functional abdominal pain & irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 47(5):706-707.
- Salpekar, JA, Plioplys, S, Siddarth, P, Bursch, B, Shaw, RJ, Asato, MR, LaFrance, WC, Weisbrot, DM, Dunn, DW, Austin, JK, Caplan, R. (2010). Pediatric Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures: A Pilot Study of Assessment Tools. Epilepsy and Behavior, 17(1):50-55.
- Lester, P., Stein, J.A., Bursch, B., Rice, E., Green, S., Penniman, T., & Rotheram-Borus, M. J. (2010). Family-Based Processes Associated with Adolescent Distress, Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behavior in Families Affected by Maternal HIV. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 39(3):328-340.
- Lester, P., Mogil, C., Saltzman, W., Woodward, K., Nash, W., Bursch, B., Green, S., Pynoos, R., Beardslee, W. (2011). FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress): Implementing Family-Centered Prevention for Military Families Facing Wartime Deployments and Combat Operational Stress. Military Medicine, 176 (1):19-25.
- Lester, P, Bursch, B. (2011). The Long War Comes Home: Mitigating Risk and Promoting Resilience in Military Children and Families. Psychiatric Times, 28(7):26-29.
- Lester, P., Saltzman, W., Woodward, K., Glover, D., Leskin, G., Bursch, B., Green, S., Pynoos, R., Beardslee, W. (2012). Evaluation of a Family Centered Prevention Intervention for Military Children and Families Facing Wartime Deployments. American Journal of Public Health, 102 Suppl 1:S48-54; online 10.2105/AJPH.2010.300088; e1-e7.
- Bursch, B., Fried, J.M., Wimmers, P.F., Cook, I.A., Baillie, S., Zackson, H, Stuber. M.L. (2013). Relationship between Medical Student Perceptions of Mistreatment and Mistreatment Sensitivity. Medical Teacher. 35(3):e998-1002.
- Forgey, M., Bursch, B. (2013). Assessment and Management of Pediatric Iatrogenic Medical Trauma. Current Psychiatry Reports, 15(2):340.
- Bursch, B., Forgey, M. (2013). Psychopharmacology for Medically Ill Adolescents. Current Psychiatry Reports. Oct;15(10):395.
- Bursch, B. (2014). Munchausen by Proxy and Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another. Psychiatric Times. Aug;31(8):16-27.
- Forgey, M., Bursch, B. (2014). Psychopharmacology for Youth with Medical Illness. Minerva Psichiatrica. December;55(4):181-91
- Plioplys S, Doss J, Siddarth P, Bursch B, Falcone T, Forgey M, Hinman K, LaFrance WC Jr, Laptook R, Shaw RJ, Weisbrot DM, Willis MD, Caplan R. (2014). A multisite controlled study of risk factors in pediatric psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia. Nov;55(11):1739-47.
- Irwin, M.R., Bursch, B. (2015 - present). Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self. In: UpToDate, Dimsdale J (Section Ed), Solomon D (Deputy Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA.
- Bursch B, Piacentini J, Cook IA, Stuber ML. (2016). Everyday Mishaps and Lapses in Ethics, Professionalism, and Self-Care: A Faculty Development Workshop. Acad Psychiatry. Feb;40(1):97-9.
- Plioplys S, Doss J, Siddarth P, Bursch B, Falcone T, Forgey M, Hinman K, LaFrance WC Jr, Laptook R, Shaw RJ, Weisbrot DM, Willis MD, Caplan R. (2016). Risk Factors for Comorbid Psychopathology in Youth with Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures. Seizure. May;38:32-7.
- Doss J, Caplan, R, Siddarth P, Bursch B, Falcone T, Forgey M, Hinman K, LaFrance WC Jr, Laptook R, Shaw RJ, Weisbrot DM, Willis MD, Plioplys, S. (2017). Risk factors for learning difficulties in youth with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. Epilepsy & Behavior. May;70A:135-9.
- Arora, G., Gibbs, T.S., Bursch, B. (2017). Maintaining Quality of Care: A Practical Approach to Very Influential Patients. The Clinical Teacher. 14:1-3.
- Bursch B, Lloyd J, Mogil C, Wijesekera K, Miotto K, Wu M, Wilkinson R, Klomhaus A, Iverson A, Lester P. (2017). Adaptation and Evaluation of Military Resilience Skills Training for Pediatric Residents. J Med Educ Curric Dev. 4:2382120517741298.
- APSAC Taskforce (2018). APSAC Practice Guidelines: Munchausen by proxy: Clinical and Case Management Guidance. The APSAC Advisor. March; 30(1): 8-31.
- Schreier, H., Bursch, B. (2018). Munchausen by Proxy in Educational and Mental Health Settings. The APSAC Advisor. March; 30(1): 61-65.
- Bursch, B. (2018). Child Protective Services Management of Cases of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect due to Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another. The APSAC Advisor. March; 30(1): 76-82.
- Strouse, T., Bursch, B. (2018). Psychological Treatment. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am, Special Issue on Pain Control. Jun; 32(3): 483-491.
- Emerson, N. D., Bursch, B. (2018). Enhancing Professional Peer Support and Resilience with Reflective Narrative Panel: Innovative Workshop for Impacting Medical Setting Culture. Med Case Rep Rev 1.
- Bursch, B., Forgey M, Emerson ND, Siddarth P, Weisbrot DM, Shaw RJ, Doss J, Falcone T, Hinman K, LaFrance WC Jr, Laptook R, Willis MD, Deggelman EL, Caplan, R, Plioplys, S. (2018) Sibling Controlled Study of Stress, Coping and Urgent Healthcare Use in Families with Children with Non-Epileptic Seizures. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 43, (10): 1128–1137.
- Bursch, B., Emerson, N.D., Arevian, A., Aralis, H., Galuska, L., Bushman, J., Sinclair, M., Grimley, K., Lester, P. & Bulut, Y. (2018). Feasibility of Online Mental Wellness Self-Assessment and Feedback for Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care Nurses. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. Nov-Dec; 43, 62-68.
- Bursch, B., Mulligan, C, Keener, A, Lloyd, J, Mogil, C, Sinclair, M, Barrera, W, Aralis, H, Lester, P. (2019). Evaluation of curriculum to teach resilience skills to neurology residents. Neurology. Mar 12;92(11):538-541.
- Bursch, B., Emerson, N.D., Sanders, M.J. (2019). Evaluation and Management of Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. Published online October 15, 2019, pp 1-11. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10880-019-09668-6
- Sanders, M.J., Bursch, B. (2020). Psychological Treatment of Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another/Munchausen by Proxy Abuse. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 27(1), 139-149. Published online May 14, 2019, pp 1–11. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10880-019-09630-6
- Wald, H.S. & Bursch, B. (2020). Faculty Videos of Resilience Narratives at Two Institutions: Residency Resilience Skills Program Innovation. International Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 1.16-24 DOI: 10.4018/IJITLHE.2020010102
- Bursch B (2020) Munchausen by Proxy: Five Core Principles. Ann Pediatr Child Health 8(2): 1171.
- Miotto, K, Sanford, J, Brymer, M, Bursch, B, Pynoos, R (2020). Implementing an Emotional Support and Mental Health Response Plan for Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 11]. doi:10.1037/tra0000918
- Galuska, L., Bursch, B. (2020). Meaning, Joy, and Critical Care Nurse Well-Being: A Call to Action. Crit Care Nurs Clin N Am 32(3): 349–367. DOI: 10.1016/j.cnc.2020.04.002
- Emerson ND, Bursch B. (2020). Communicating with Youth about Pain: Developmental Considerations. Children (Basel). Oct 15;7(10):184. doi: 10.3390/children7100184.
- Bursch B, Hurvitz S, Parikh M. (2021). Betrayal Trauma: Impact on Health Professionals. Adv Mind Body Med. Winter;35(1):34-37. PMID: 33513584.
- Emerson, N.D., Bursch, B. (2021). Ethical Issues in Providing End-of-Life Cancer Care for Transitional-Aged Youth. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. Feb 18. doi: 10.1007/s10880-021-09764-6. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33598787.
- Khoddam, H., Emerson, N.D., Bursch, B. (in press). Psychological Outcomes in Fathers of Critically Ill Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
- Bursch, B. (1999). Pain-associated disability syndrome. In Hyman, P (Editor) Pediatric functional bowel disorders. New York: Academy of Professional Information Services, Inc.
- Bursch, B. & Vitti, L. (1999). Medically ill children and adolescents. In Galatzer-Levy, R. (Editor) The scientific basis of child custody decisions. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Stuber, M.L., & Bursch, B. (2000). Psychiatric care of the terminally ill child. In Chochinov, H., M. & Breitbart, W. (Editors) Psychiatric dimensions of palliative medicine. Oxford University Press.
- Bursch, B. & Zeltzer, L.K. (2001). Pain: A story. In Kahn, S. & Fromm, E. (Editors) Changes in the therapist: A casebook. Erlbaum Publishing.
- Bursch, B., Joseph, M.J. & Zeltzer, L.K. (2002). Pain-associated disability syndrome. In Schechter, N.L, Berde, C.B., & Yaster, M. (Editors) Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 2nd Ed. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Bursch, B. & Zeltzer, L.K. (2004). Pediatric pain management. In Behrman, R.E., Kliegman, R.M., & Jenson, H.B. (Editors) Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th Edition, W.B. Saunders.
- Bursch, B. & Zeltzer, L.K. (2004). Chronic pain/somatic complaints and associated disability. In Osborn, L., DeWitt, T., & First, L. (Editors) Comprehensive Pediatrics. Harcourt Health Sciences.
- Bursch, B. & Stuber, M.L. (2004). Pediatrics. In Levenson, J.L. (Editor) Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- Bursch, B. & Zeltzer, L. (2005) Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents. In J. Edmond Charlton (Editor) Core Curriculum for Professional Education in Pain, Third Edition. International Association for the Study of Pain Press, Seattle. Also: http://www.iasp-pain.org/CoreCurriculumThirdEdition.htm
- Bursch, B. (2006). Somatization Disorders. In: M. Hersen and J.C. Thomas (Editors), Robert T. Ammerman (Volume Editor) Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology, Volume III: Child Psychopathology. John Wiley & Sons of New York.
- Bursch, B. (2006). Management of Difficult Patients. In Danny Wedding & Margaret Stuber (Editors) Behavior and Medicine, 4th Edition. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
- Bursch, B. & Stuber, M.L. (2006). Pediatrics. In Levenson, J.L. (Editor) Essentials of Psychosomatic Medicine. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- Moore, B.A., Bursch, B & Walshaw, P. (2007). Termination of Psychotherapy with Children. In William O'Donohue & Mike Cucciare (Editors) A Clinician's Guide to the Termination of Psychotherapy. Routledge.
- Bursch, B. & Hyman, P.E. (2008). Gastrointestinal Features of Pediatric Illness Falsification. In Ronald E. Kleinman, Oliver-Jean Goulet, Giorgina Mieli-Vergani, Ian R. Sanderson, Philip M. Sherman & Benjamin L. Shneider (Editors) Walker's Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management, 5th Edition. BC Decker Publisher.
- Hyman, P.E. & Bursch, B. (2008) Munchausen syndrome by proxy. In Langnas A, Goulet O, Quigley E, Tappenenden K. (Editors). Intestinal failure diagnosis, management, transplantation. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
- Bursch, B. (2009). Medically ill children and adolescents. In Galatzer-Levy, R., Kraus, L. & Galatzer-Levy, J. (Editors) The scientific basis of child custody decisions, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Stuber, M.L., & Bursch, B. (2009). Psychiatric care of the terminally ill child. In Chochinov, H.,M. & Breitbart, W. (Editors) Psychiatric dimensions of palliative medicine, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.
- Schreier, HA, Ayoub, CA & Bursch, B. (2010). Forensic Issues in Munchausen by Proxy. In Elissa Benedek, Peter Ash & Charles Scott (Editors) Principles and Practices of Child and Adolescent Forensic Mental Health. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- Drews, A. & Bursch, B. (2010). Somatoform Disorders & Chronic Pain. In Jay Thomas & Michel Hersen (Editors) Handbook of Clinical Psychology Competencies. Springer.
- Bursch, B. (2010). Pediatric Pain. In Richard J. Shaw & David Ray DeMaso (Editors) Textbook of Pediatric Psychosomatic Medicine. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- Bursch, B. (2010). Somatization Disorder. In Irving Weiner & Edward Craighead (Editors) Corsini's Encyclopedia of Psychology. John Wiley and Sons.
- Bursch, B. (2010). Management of Difficult Patients. In Margaret Stuber & Danny Wedding (Editors) Behavior and Medicine, 5th Edition. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
- Bursch, B. & Stuber, M.L. (2011). Pediatrics. In Levenson, J.L. (Editor) Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine: Psychiatric Care of the Medically Ill, Second Edition. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- Forgey, M., Bursch, B. (2014). Psychopharmacology in Oncology and Palliative Care: Childhood and Adolescence. In Luigi Grassi & Michelle Riba (Editors) Clinical Psychopharmacology for Oncology and Palliative Care: A Practical Manual. Springer.
- Bursch, B. & Hyman, P.E. (2016). Gastrointestinal Features of Pediatric Illness Falsification. In Ronald E. Kleinman, Oliver-Jean Goulet, Giorgina Mieli-Vergani, Ian R. Sanderson, Philip M. Sherman & Benjamin L. Schneider (Editors) Walker's Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management, 6th Edition. People's Medical Publishing House–USA.
- Bursch, B., Haskell, R (2016). Factitious Disorders. In Brian Sharpless (Editor) Unusual and Rare Psychological Disorders. Oxford University Press.
- Williams, S, Bursch, B (2017). Diagnostic and treatment approaches associated with functional gastrointestinal disorders in children and adolescents. In Simon R Knowles, Julian Stern, Geoff Hebbard (Eds). Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: A biopsychosocial treatment approach. Routledge Press.
- Arrouk, R., Monagas, J.J., Hyman, P.E., & Bursch, B. (2017). Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (Munchausen by Proxy). In Christine Waasdorp Hurtado, B. U. K. Li (Editors) The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (2nd Edition). NASPGHAN.
- Kelly M & Bursch B. (2018). Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another. In Driver, DI and Thomas, S (Editors) Complex Disorders in Pediatric Psychiatry: A Clinician's Guide. Elsevier.
- Bursch, B. & Andermann, F. (2018). Factitious Disorders. In Schachter SC, LaFrance WC Jr, (Editors) Gates and Rowan's Nonepileptic Seizures, 4th Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Emerson, N., Bursch, B. & Stuber, M.L. (2018). Pediatrics. In Levenson, J.L. (Editor) Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine: Psychiatric Care of the Medically Ill, Third Edition. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- Mogil, C, Bemis, H., Lee, J. & Bursch, B. (2020). Psychosocial Issues. In Shahram Yazdani, Carlos Lerner, Audrey Crummy, Deepa Kulkarni & Charles A. Newcomer (Editors) General Pediatrics: Board Review. Oxford University Press, USA
- Bursch, B. (2020). Management of Difficult Patients. In Margaret Stuber (Editor) Behavior and Medicine, 6th Edition. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
- Emerson, ND & Bursch, B. (2020). Factitious Disorders. In Bryan Carter & Kris Kullgren, (Editors) Clinician Handbook of Inpatient Pediatric Psychological Consultation-Liaison in Medical Settings. Springer.
- Caplan R & Bursch B (2012). "How Many More Questions?" Techniques for Clinical Interviews of Young Medically Ill Children, Oxford University Press.
In the News
2016 February 19, UCLA Newsroom, Helping pediatric residents cope with trauma of treating children (storesoo.com/helping-pediatric-residents-cope-with-trauma-of-treating-children)
2016 Interview, Wall Street Journal, May 9 online version, Training Doctors to Manage Their Feelings. http://www.wsj.com/articles/training-doctors-to-manage-their-feelings-1462808283; in print on May 10, Hospitals Train Young Doctors in Resilience. The story was cited May 10 in the Wall Street Journal’s The 10-Point blog; on May 11 in Fox News, Advisory Board Daily Briefing, and Becker’s Spine Review; and on May 16 by WWSB-TV (Tampa Bay, Fla.) and other ABC affiliates.
2016 Interview, Proto Magazine, Physician, Rest Thyself. For an article about physician burnout. (protomag.com/articles/physician-rest-thyself)
2017 Interview, February American Psychological Association Monitor, Emotional Survival Skills for Physicians in Training. (http://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/02/emotional-skills.aspx)
2018 Bursch, B. APSAC Alert, Munchausen by Proxy. (http://files.constantcontact.com/f9c101a1501/0c6806ff-71ce-44ee-aefe-19a8827e0512.pdf)
2018 Interview, February, U News, Peer support program helps employees manage traumatic work events (mednet.storesoo.com/u-news/peer-support-program-helps-employees-manage-traumatic-work-events/)
2019 Interview, April, Bustle, Treatment For Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy Can Present Major Challenges, According To Experts (bustle.com/p/treatment-for-munchausen-syndrome-by-proxy-can-present-major-challenges-according-to-experts-17028729)
2019 Referenced, June, The Hollywood Reporter, How Well Did 'Sharp Objects' and 'The Act' Portray a Rare Psychological Disorder? hollywoodreporter.com/news/experts-weigh-rare-disorder-act-sharp-objects-1215698
2020 Interview, February, UCLA Connect. Share. Transform, Death of a Public Figure can Reawaken Old Feelings of Private Loss connect.storesoo.com/2020/02/05/death-of-a-public-figure-can-reawaken-old-feelings-of-private-loss/ and also printed in Vital Signs Spring 2020, Vol 86.
2020 Interview, March, A+E Networks, Why Munchausen by Proxy Can Be So Hard to Prove in Court. aetv.com/real-crime/munchausen-by-proxy-cases-court
2020 Interview, July, U News, Workgroup provides emotional support to employees coping with pandemic-related stress and mental health challenges.
2021 Interview, March, Semel Healthy Campus Initiative Center at UCLA, UCLA LiveWell podcast on Challenges our Frontline Workers are Facing Today.
Please note: News website links may expire without notice.
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- 2015 Invited Keynote Speaker for 2015 Child Psychiatry Fellowship Graduation, Division of Child Psychiatry, UCLA Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences.
- 2011 Awarded UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching.
- 2005 Awarded UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award for Outstanding Housestaff Teaching.
- 2003 Co-author on paper that won "Young Investigator Paper Award" (Lester, Stein, & Bursch. Developmental Predictors of Somatic Symptoms in Adolescents of Parents with HIV: A 12-Month Follow-up. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics).
- 2001 Nominated for UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award for Outstanding Housestaff Teaching.
- 2000 Nominated for UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award for Outstanding Housestaff Teaching – Psychologist.